2018 Spring/Summer

Starting a Town Conservation Fund
By Charlie Hancock, CHC Board Chair
Posted 4/4/18
On Town Meeting day, Montgomery voted to establish a Municipal Conservation Reserve Fund. This is the second such fund established in the CHC region, with Enosburgh voters establishing a Conservation…

Emerald Ash Borer in Vermont
Posted 4/4/18
What is emerald ash borer? What kind of damage does it do? Learn more here.

Carbon Sequestration for Climate Mitigation
By Nancy Patch, CHC Vice-Chair
Posted 4/4/18
Cold Hollow to Canada has been a leader in Vermont when it comes to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Our Woodlots Project was one of the first pilot demonstration forest projects,…

Mammal Camera Project: In Search of Canada Lynx & Other Mammals
By Joan Hildreth, CHC Board of Directors
Posted 4/4/18
Cold Hollow to Canada (CHC) administers two very important citizen science programs, the Keeping Track Monitoring Program (KTMP) and the WildPaths Project. Both have played key roles in increasing our…

WildPaths Season Three Begins
By Bridget Butler, CHC Program Director
Posted 4/4/18
Here we are headed into Season 3 of the WildPaths Project with lots of momentum and interest building in the wildlife connectivity community. This year we're encouraging all our volunteers to use…

Calender of Events
Posted 4/4/18
Make sure to visit our events page to see what's happening in our region this fall and winter. We partner with local conservation commissions and other groups to bring quality programming to the Cold…