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From the Roots

By Charlie Hancock

Posted 6/4/24

Charlie Hancock offers up a perspective on integrating ecosensitive practices with working forest objectives.

Otter Spraints and Squirrel Stripes

By Sophie Mazowita

Posted 6/4/24

CHC's new Wildlife Tracking Immersion program wraps up its first year

Forest Fertility

By Carissa Stein

Posted 6/4/24

CHC Board member Carissa Stein describes the complexities and necessities of decomposition in a healthy forest ecosystem

Partners In Conservation

By Monica Przyperhart

Posted 6/4/24

CHC has been quietly working on a local conservation project with 3 separate land-owners and their working forests. Read about the unique development of the success of this conservation partnership.

Eastern Franklin County Conservation Commissions meet

By Sarah Downes

Posted 6/4/24

A brief review of the meeting of several local conservation committees and their plans for the future

CHC Co-founder Nancy Patch honored

Posted 6/4/24

Vermont Woodlands Association honors Nancy Patch with the 2024 Kathleen Wanner Outstanding Service Award

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