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Money Doesn't Grow On Trees...

Posted Friday, September 1, 2017
Connections 2017 Fall

We’d like to take this opportunity to announce a new initiative from Cold Hollow to Canada: the Cold Hollow Land Conservation Fund (CHLCF). This is the first time Cold Hollow to Canada has been able to offer direct financial assistance to local landowners interested in permanently conserving their land through conservation easements. The initial fund in the amount of $105,000 will be administered by Cold Hollow to Canada in partnership with the Vermont Land Trust over the next three years. The purpose of the fund is to help decrease the barriers for landowners who would like to conserve their woodlands.

Easements cost money, and the dollars in the CHLCF are there to help cover the costs to landowners who wish to donate or otherwise convey an easement on their property, helping ensure that the forests in our region stay as forests for the future. The initial fund—made possible by the Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust Fund at The Boston Foundation and the Lintilhac Foundation—will provide up to $10,000 per project, to be used for transaction costs on land conservation projects in our seven town area. We’re excited to get these resources into our communities soon, while at the same time growing the fund to sustain future efforts.

Interested? Check out the criteria for landowners and application materials by clicking here.