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VT Coverts Training Opportunity

Posted Saturday, March 2, 2024
Connections 2024 Winter/Spring

2024 Cooperator Training

VT Coverts is accepting applications for the 2024 Coverts Cooperator Training. Click the link to see their official an announcement.

The program is geared at landowners and community leaders to encourage sound forest management and wildlife stewardship. Many of CHC Woodlots members have gone through this training.

2024 Cooperator Training

Choose your weekend!

Spring Training: May 17-19 Shutesville Hill Wildlife Corridor (Waterbury/Stowe)

Fall Training: September 13-15 at Kehoe Conservation Camp in Castleton

If you love your woodlands, enjoy seeing wildlife and want to learn how a healthy forest can enhance wildlife habitat, provide recreational and timber benefits this weekend is for you! Learn about managing your woodlands and reaching out to others in your community by attending. This program connects you with resource professionals, landowners and others while learning how you can improve your woodlands. To learn more, apply online, see a sample agenda or download an application visit our website at or contact Lisa Sausville lisa@