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Opportunity for Landowners with Streams

Posted Friday, July 21, 2023
Connections 2023 Summer

Here is an opportunity for landowners to learn about best management practices for streams on their land. This is a free service that will help you learn more about stream health, reduce future flooding, prevent the spread of invasive species,reduce pollution, and protect native species of animals and plants.

Franklin County NRCD is doing a Stream Wise pilot program with LCBP this summer and is currently scheduling site visits. This program targets property owners that live on streams and really emphasizes riparian buffers. 

Evaluations can be scheduled anytime throughout the summer, but space is limited.

To schedule a site visit:
Email, call 802-528-4159, or visit

Stream Wise assessments are offered at no cost to streamside property owners. If you or other property owners you know are curious to learn more about Stream Wise as a program, you can visit the Stream Wise website: