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Nancy Patch Honored by Vermont Coverts

Posted Thursday, January 25, 2018
Connections 2018 Winter

This year, at our annual meeting, Nancy Patch was given the James B. Engle Award for Promoting Coverts Values in the Public Arena. This award was given for her dedication to Vermont’s forests and wildlife.

Nancy has been the Franklin-Grand Isle County Forester with the Vermont Department of Forest Parks and Recreation since October 2007. Before that Nancy owned and operated Northwoods Forestry.  

As a person who loves forests, Nancy also is active in many forestry and wildlife projects where she volunteers her knowledge and skills. Some of the organizations and programs include: Vermont Coverts, Cold Hollow to Canada, Audubon Vermont, The Vermont Land Trust, and the Enosburgh Conservation Commission.

Nancy attended the Vermont Coverts Training in the spring of 2006. Since then she has often been a speaker, presenting on forest ecology and forest issues, at Coverts workshops and at the Cooperator Training.  

Coverts Cooperator Albert Perry’s comment is a testament to her commitment to Vermont’s wildlife. “Nancy Patch personifies the purpose of Vermont Coverts in everything she does. She is a teacher, trainer, and example to all who are interested in protecting the environment and improving wildlife habitat in Northern Vermont. Through her leadership and initiative, Cold Hollow to Canada was formed and has become a major positive influence in Northern Vermont.”  

Cooperator Rich Warren agrees. After attending a workshop that Nancy provided for the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association he noted, “It was a great workshop. Nancy is very enthusiastic and energized about her work improving the health of our forests.” 

Nancy is currently the Forest Parks and Recreation Department’s point person for the Foresters for the Birds program.  

As noted she is also the co-founder of Cold Hollow to Canada. Through the establishment of Cold Hollow to Canada, Nancy has brought state, regional and Quebec partners together to work towards protecting forest connectivity.

Her dedication to the northern forests has helped to bring new opportunities, programming, and financial resources to northwestern Vermont for both communities and individual landowners.

Bridget Butler, Cold Hollow to Canada’s Program Director and Coverts Cooperator notes, “Nancy has been a constant source of inspiration. She has a deep connection with the landscape of northern Vermont and with the communities there. I admire Nancy's skill in reaching out to landowners in a way that truly honors their interests while at the same time finding opportunities to educate folks on improving forest health both for timber production and for wildlife.”

Vermont Coverts is pleased to have Nancy among our ranks and working in the forests of Vermont!