May 18-19 Wildlife Track & Sign Certification

This program was scheduled for participants of CHC's 2024 Wildlife Tracking Immersion, but we have one additional spot available to Vermont-based naturalists and conservation professionals, or local trackers of any experience level. Contact sophie@ for more info or to register.
The CyberTracker Track and Sign Certification is an internationally applied, professional level training process used to promote wildlife tracking and ecological knowledge. The process is designed to give each participant the opportunity to personally investigate each track or sign found before the group discusses it at length. This creates intensive levels of concentration, balanced by fun, open, and entertaining discussions that engage the group in an unforgettable exploration of animal behavior, physiology, and ecology. This combination has proven to be a wildly effective method to immediately enhance an individual's knowledge, and their ability to accurately interpret tracks and sign on their own.
The Tracker Certifications emphasize practical tracking and the development of reliable field skills, and they transform the way we see the wild world. No prior training is required to participate.
May 18 & 19, 2024
Saturday timing: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday timing: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Exact timing subject to change based on weather, wildlife activity, and length of time participants take to discuss questions, but the above times should be accurate to within 30 minutes.
Location: Field sites within a 30-minute drive of Cambridge/Jeffersonville, VT
Lodging and Transportation Option: Carpool from Burlington area available, as well as local tenting space for Friday and/or Saturday nights.
Registration Cost: $325
If cost is a barrier, please reach out about financial aid opportunities.
Contact Sophie Mazowita (sophie@) with questions or to register

About the Instructors:
Nate Harvey is a Senior Tracker and Evaluator for Tracker Certification/CyberTracker North America based in Marlboro, Vermont. He trains and evaluates trackers, naturalists, hunters and biologists in both Trailing and Track & Sign Identification. In addition, he has taught workshops and Trailing Intensives around North America and Europe, but mostly near his home in Southern Vermont. Visit for more information about him and his work.
Sophie Mazowita is a certified Track & Sign Specialist and wildlife guide based in Fletcher, Vermont. She started her wildlife tracking journey while working as a park ranger in Algonquin Park, Ontario, then moved to Vermont to complete a Master's degree in the UVM Field Naturalist Program. Since graduation, she has studied tracking intensively with experts in New England, the Pacific Northwest, and South Africa. She initiated the Burlington VT Mammal Tracking Project in 2015 and has taught tracking workshops for dozens of groups including Green Mountain Audubon, North Branch Nature Center, the Vermont Master Naturalist Program, Champlain College and UVM. Currently she offers tracking education and consulting services through her website, Tracking Connection, and also guides week-long wildlife trips to Yellowstone and to Canada's polar bear country with Natural Habitat Adventures/WWF. At home in Vermont, her work focuses on identifying wildlife corridors and monitoring forest connectivity at a town and regional scale, and she manages the community science program for Cold Hollow to Canada.