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Threats to Our Forests: What Emerald Ash Borer & Forest Tent Caterpillar Mean For Our Forests & Communities

Posted Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Local CC EventConservationSkill Building

Event Details

Wednesday, May 23rd,  6:30-8:00 pm
Montgomery Public Safety Building at 86 Mountain Rd., Montgomery Center
Free and open to the public. Donations toward future events accepted
For additional info contact: Charlie at 802-326-2093 or charliehanco@

The Montgomery Conservation Commission will host Dan Dillner of the VT Dept of Forests, Parks and Recreation for an evening of exploring the impacts of  Emerald Ash Borer and Forest Tent Caterpillar. This will be an opportunity to learn about emerald ash borer and how state and federal agencies are responding to the insect’s presence in Vermont. Attendees will also learn how to limit the spread of emerald ash borer, and the various options available for responding to this devastating insect.  There will also be discussion re: the culprit behind the extensive defoliation seen across our landscape in the past two years, and what we can expect from Forest Tent Caterpillar this spring, as well as recommendations for woodland owners.