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Spring Migration Bird Walk

Posted Saturday, May 26, 2018
ConservationSkill BuildingWildlifeLocal CC Event


Saturday, May 26th, 8 - 10 am
Location: Goyne Property in Richford
Sponsored by: Richford Conservation Commission
Contact: richfordconservation@ or 933-2416

Bird Diva, Bridget Butler will be our guide and birdsong interpreter! Meet at Pratt Hall in Montgomery Village to caravan to a nearby location. While scouting for birds, we will learn about birds' needs for various habitats and what landowners can do to encourage a diversity of species.

Last year this walk was a smorgasbord of birds! We barely made it out of the driveway as multiple species of warblers sang and foraged in the trees right before our eyes. The Goyne's have thoughtfully managed their land for songbirds and wildlife, and the results are plentiful. 

This walk will be limited to 15 participants. Please use the contact information above to reserve your spot.