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Love the Lake Series - Why Did the Bobcat Cross the Road?

Event date: Thursday, March 2, 2017
CHC EventCitizen ScienceSkill BuildingTrackingWildlife


Thursday, March 2nd, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: Lake Champlain Basin Program office, 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle, Vermont
Sponsored by the Lake Champlain Basin Program
Contact: Colleen Hickey at 800-468-5227 or 802-372-3213 or email at chickey@

Cold Hollow to Canada Program Director, Bridget Butler will talk about the WildPaths Project; a citizens science project which documents both successful and unsuccessful wildlife crossings in the Cold Hollow Mountains and beyond. This talk will be a part of the Love the Lake Series.  Join us for homemade desserts, coffee, tea and lively conversation.